
Welcome To Equine Balance

A Full Service Equine Craniosacral Education Center

Balancing the mind, body, and spirit of the horse

About Shea

My goal in my horsemanship journey was to connect to the heart and mind of the horse, and to help people have a better understanding of the possibilities of this connection. What I started to learn along the way was how this relationship with horses can be incredibly healing for the human. Communicating with a horse by exchanging a heartfelt feel brings us into an awareness of our own self concept, our own embodiment, our own rhythms in how we walk through life. I watched as this relationship with horses taught people how to slow down their minds and have faith in the present moment.

Craniosacral Sessions

Biodynamic craniosacral is an advanced and specialized bodywork that requires a minimum of 750 hours of training over 2 years in order to develop the highly tuned palpation skill as well as a high level of knowledge in anatomy and trauma resolution. Shea is one of the few equine biodynamic craniosacral practitioners in the world.

On line Craniosacral Courses

Online Courses
24/7 Access
6 Months
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3D Visualizations
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In person Craniosacral Classes

Shea offers high quality in-person classes in Fort Worth, TX. These are 4-day classes where you will learn full protocol and techniques to build on your equine craniosacral practice. We start in the classroom for the morning session where you will learn the anatomical structures of the craniosacral system, with 3D animated videos showing the breathing motion you will be palpating. Afternoon is spent with the horses for assessment and hands on practice under Shea’s guidance. Visit the in-person page for dates and more information. If you are in the Dallas Fort Worth area and wish to host a class please contact Shea.

Why Choose Equine Balance

About Equine Craniosacral

Craniosacral therapy originated out of traditional osteopathy. The presence of subtle rhythms in the body was discovered by Dr. William Sutherland, an osteopathic physician and the father of craniosacral therapy in the early 1900’s. After investigating for many years, he discovered that the subtle motion of cranial bones moves interrelated tissues and fluids in the core of the body.

0 +
Years Of Experience

What Courses Shea Provides

Schedule In Person Class

Equine Craniosacral level 1 “Beginnings”

This 4 day class provides a thorough introduction to the origins, and modern practices of craniosacral, the primary structures of the craniosacral system, the autonomic nervous system and how equine posture dynamics are wired into the tissues of the body, energetic and emotional loading of relevant anatomical structures in the skull with 3D animations. Students will learn perceptual skills, and hands on technique protocol that will serve as a powerful treatment tool to not only begin applying equine craniosacral, but will also provide a solid foundation for further learning.

April 18-21, 2024

Check calendar for more dates to come.

Equine Craniosacral Level 2 "The Cranial Base and TMJ”

This 4 day class sinks students deeper into craniosacral biodynamics, as we dive into the structural complexities of the cranial base and the temporomandibular joint. We delve deeper into cranial nerves, TMJ mechanics, and deep occiput strain. We will learn a full protocol designed specifically to address the TMJ and occiput, that frees up this system so the rest of the body can function cohesively.
Prerequisites: Equine Craniosacral “Beginnings”

Pre-requisites Level 1
March 20-23, 2024

Check calendar for more dates to come..

Equine Craniosacral Level 3 “Vagus, Viscera, Spine”

This 4 day class is designed to follow the route of the vagus nerve, and focus on spine dynamics with internal visceral connections. We will go over posture dynamics, and attune to the viscera, developing a mental technology and palpation skills from the heart. This full body protocol gives you techniques to either have as a complete session or in addition to previous techniques. We cover some embryological development from a biodynamic perspective delving deeper into the rhythms of nature.

Prerequisites: ECS 1 Beginnings, ECS 2 Cranial Base and TMJ

Check in person class page for more classes and calendar for dates.

For those of you who are unable to attend an in person class, Shea now offers on line courses.

Equine Balance Courses

On-line Courses

Equine Craniosacral: Beginnings, Level 1

This class provides a thorough introduction to the history of craniosacral and how these healing rhythms within the craniosacral system have been referenced in ancient cultures, religions, and indigenous healing throughout time. We explore a holistic approach to the anatomical structures of the craniosacral system and their importance for restoring posture and balance in the body. You will learn a full protocol plus extra contacts focusing on the skull and it’s connection to the sacrum.

Equine Craniosacral- The TMJ, level 2

This class steps deeper into the slower rhythms as we explore the structural complexity of both the temporomandibular joint and the cranial base. TMJ issues are common in the equine world and craniosacral has been shown to help relieve the pain in this joint and increase blood flow and tooth eruption. Cranial base lesions are also discussed in detail. We will learn a practical TMJ protocol and acquire manual skills for cranial base lesions. Prerequisites Beginnings level 1.

Equine Craniosacral – Viscera, Level 3

This day class we elaborate the principles of biodynamic concepts while we explore important visceral connections through the vagus nerve and parasympathetic system. We will track the vagus nerve and follow it’s connections through the body, including the viscera. We will learn a full protocol to gain deeper insight to the inner workings of the equine system. Prerequisites ECS levels 1 and 2.


What Students Say

Ross Jacobs
    Ross Jacobs

    I have known Shea for over a decade and have had the good fortune to both train with her and watch her teach horsemanship. The first thing that is obvious when you watch Shea working is her keen eye and awareness of everything a horse is experiencing and can put into perspective in regard to the whole horse. A prominent feature of Shea’s work with horses is how she balances compassion for the horse with the effectiveness of her training. Many people feel empathy and compassion yet are not very effective in their training. And others are all about being effective and show little care for how a horse feels. Shea is brilliant at combining these two essential elements of good horsemanship. Adding to Shea’s excellent ability to get along well with horses is her talent for passing on her knowledge to her students. The same degree of compassion and effectiveness she shows towards training horses shines through in her teaching of struggling pupils. People like Shea because she genuinely cares about their progress. Her talent for imparting even difficult concepts about horsemanship is obvious and I think comes from her natural compassion for anyone that is trying to learn – whether human or horse. I have enjoyed my times working with Shea and have always come away with more to think about. She is on my short list of trainers that I would return again and again to work with. Ross Jacobs, International Horsemanship Clinician


      Thank you for YOU!! I am so blown away - - - I am basically "stunned" - - in my 50 + years dealing with horses, I have NEVER, EVER, seen anything work so well and make changes so fast. I just kept staring at Kenny's face - I could not believe what I was witnessing. He was so calm on Sunday (like he was Saturday), no twitching, no hypersensitivity, no head bobbing. He even let me clip his bridle path with his head still - - -that has never happened. This is the first time he has been physically relieved since he developed Trigeminal Neuralgia, after his sinus surgery over one year ago! I have been holding my breath, not wanting to say anything to soon, but now I am ready to convey the results of your work to the team of vets who have worked with me and tried to help Kenny, this includes the dedicated vets who are trying to solve the headshaking "mystery". This case will provide hard evidence that CranioSacral work must be considered as a healing modality for the treatment of headshaking/ Trigeminal Neuralgia. Please keep doing Kenny as often as possible - he deserves to feel better. THANKS so much!

      Susan Matta
        Susan Matta

        Beanie is a 7 year old Paint gelding that was purchased as a yearling. His show career came to an abrupt halt when he was diagnosed with Head Shakers Syndrome the fall of his 3 yr old year. Beanie was seen by numerous vets who recommended different treatments, none of which worked. We also tried the Patch, a homeopathic remedy from Australia, allergy shots, and a treatment recommended by U.C. Davis. None of which gave him much relief. All of this took place over a 3 year period. In 2010 a friend of mine sent me the link on Cranial Sacral Massage for headshakers. I immediately contacted Shea. After talking with Shea I must say that I did feel a little skeptical but thought it was certainly worth trying. Shea was kind enough to work with my schedule to get to Central TX for Beannie's first treatment on August 15, 2010. My husband walked in during the treatment and told me it looked like a waste of money. But when we both saw the results, we were absolutely AMAZED!!! For the first time my gelding had some relief from his Headshakers Syndrome. Beanie had another follow-up treatment on October 28, 2010 prior to attending the 2010 Paint World where he placed Top Five in two Hunter Under Saddle Events. After one year and two treatments, Beanie is still not headshaking! Thank you Shea for all of your work and dedication to horses with Head Shakers.

        Ashley Wells
          Ashley Wells

          Ashley features Shea’s craniosacral work and horsemanship lesson in her book The Cowgirl and the Racehorse. "Treasure stomped impatiently as the craniosacral therapist, Shea, gently worked her fingers over his head. Everything was silent. It was still early, so it was just the three of us in Treasure’s stall amid the gray of morning. Despite the chill that numbed my fingers, Shea’s were nimble and precise, finding the exact spots where the bone and muscle compressions needed to be released, lingering evidence of Treasure’s former life as a racehorse."

          Lisa VanBuhler
            Lisa VanBuhler

            I would like everyone to know that without Shea's help I would not be showing my girl in the hunter ring and probably wouldn't even be riding her right now. She was so alpha with me and I didn't understand the communications we were sending each other until Shea came along and "translated" everything for me! What a difference to be able to safely walk her across the arena without a stud chain over her nose! Now only a year later look at us! Thank you so much for helping us Shea, we wouldn't be here without you!

            Stephanie Roundy
              Stephanie Roundy

              I had tried numerous modalitites over the last three years to help my QH gelding find some relief from his chronic navicular type pain. While the treatments seemed to provide some pain relief, none of the treatments seemed to provide much long-term relief or change the way he moved. I was impressed with the results I had seen with craniosacral work on my other horses, but I did not have as much hope that it could change this gelding's way of going. After Shea did a craniosacral session on him, I noticed several things that had never changed with other body work. Previously, his feet always grew up and narrow, like soup cans. After the craniosacral, his feet retained some semblance of a normalangle. His feet still have a long way to go, but it is the first time he seems to be weighting his heels. I also noticed that the incredible tension that he usually carries in front of his shoulders, presumably from walking on his toes, was much softer. In addition, his back was much softer. He always had a very rigid back. He also has a brighter look in his eyes now. It seems that the craniosacral works allowed him to shift his weight back and carry himself in a more normal manner. I just pulled his shoes to see how he does barefoot. When I tried pulling his shoes before, he was far too foot sore to go barefoot on pasture. While he still has a long way to go to be sound for riding, the craniosacral work is the first thing that has seemed to make a long term difference in the way he moves and uses his body.

              David Genadek
                David Genadek

                I’ve known Shea many years and it has been a joy to watch her develop as a trainer and now a healer. There seems to be a natural progression that folks that really care about horses go through as their training skills develop, the good ones discover that training can not occur until the horse feels good and they realize that to be a good trainer they must become a healer. For Shea this has been an natural seamless transition. David Genadek, Master Saddle Maker

                Michele Lamelin
                  Michele Lamelin

                  Over the past decade spent rehabilitating older horses, I have explored many types of therapy including acupuncture, chiropractic, and body work, in addition to traditional veterinary medicine. Although helpful, none effected the dramatic and lasting changes that Craniosacral Therapy has with our elderly equine friends. I believe this astounding success can be attributed not only to Shea's in-depth knowledge of CST itself, but also to her remarkable 'feel' for horses, and her clear understanding of how to best support them from the equine perspective. On behalf of all the mending Hearts horses: Thank you, Shea! CST really does work.

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                  Get in Touch with Shea